Developed strategic documents under the project “Effective policies for the retention of young people in Troyan Municipality”

In connection with the implementation of the project “Effective policies for the detention of young people in the municipality of Troyan”, which is implemented by the association “Public Compass” in partnership with the municipality of Troyan, financed under the Operational Program “Good Governance” (BG05SFOP001-2.025-0222), strategic documents were developed in support of youth policies in Troyan.

  1. Assessment and recommendations for improving civil participation in the processes of formulation, implementation and monitoring of policies for the retention and development of young people from the municipality of Troyan.
  2. Plan to promote youth civic participation.
  3. Methodology for responsible and partnership management of local government.
  4. Mechanism for feedback, monitoring and evaluation of municipal youth policies in Troyan municipality.
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