The EUFIT project /622998 – EPP-1-2020-1-BG-SPO-SCP/ officially started during the first transnational meeting which was held online due to the epidemic situation on the 8th of April. Representatives of the 5 partnering organizations participated – Public Compass Association (Bulgaria), Balkan Tennis Union (Bulgaria), Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), Club of Intellectuals Association (Slovakia), Sport club MTB Klub Kranj (Slovenia) and BK Pannonian (Croatia).
The main goal of “EUFIT” project is to promote physical activity and its importance to a broad target group of people. The project will encourage and promote methods for exercising even in front of the computer or indoors, as part of the busy working day and to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle despite all the obstacles. EUFIT aims to concentrate on the “sitting diseases caused by sedentary and low activity lifestyle” and how to avoid them. The target groups are people between 25 and 50 year old in the active working agesThe project will make a research and will identify good practices in companies to stimulate the physical activities among their employees in lunch breaks or after work activities. Based on the survey, EUFIT consortium will elaborate an EUFITME – methodology for physical activity while working. The project will develop a digital platform DIGIFIT – open-source and easy-access platform, aiming to allow other sport experts to post and provide content, following a methodological framework from the consortium.